Thomas C. Dolan, PhD, FACHE, FASAE

Tom_20Dolan.jpgThomas C. Dolan, PhD, FACHE, FASAE, is an executive coach and consultant dedicated to assisting aspiring servant leaders to advance their and their organization’s objectives. He is also president emeritus of the American College of Healthcare Executives, an international professional society of more than 40,000 healthcare executives who lead hospitals, healthcare systems and other healthcare organizations. He served as president and chief executive officer from 1991 to 2013. Before his appointment as president and CEO, he served as ACHE’s executive vice president. Prior to joining ACHE, he held a variety of teaching, research, and administrative positions at St. Louis University, the University of Missouri-Columbia, the University of Washington and the University of Iowa. Dr. Dolan is board certified in healthcare management and a Fellow of both the American College of Healthcare Executives and the American Society of Association Executives. He is also a Certified Association Executive.